Valerie was legally blind and living in a car with her daughter and grandchildren…
Imagine your child or grandchild having to live in a car.
For many of us, that would be our worst nightmare. For Valerie, that nightmare became real last summer. Yet Valerie’s faith remained strong, she knew God would help. Valerie—who is legally blind—her daughter, granddaughter, and newborn grandson, found themselves without a home of their own. They had to cram into a car each night to sleep.
Situations like Valerie’s shouldn’t happen . . . but unfortunately, more and more Floridians are ending up on the streets. In fact, our state has the third-highest homeless population in the entire country.
Too many families can’t afford basic necessities like rent and food because inflation has driven up prices. And if that weren’t bad enough, there’s been a housing supply shortage since the pandemic. The destruction from Hurricane Ian only made things worse.
There’s a serious lack of decent, affordable homes in Florida. It’s so bad, in fact, that here at St. Vincent de Paul CARES, there’s a waitlist of people who need help finding housing.
Your support gives neighbors in need safe shelter and a fresh start.
Your gift can help work miracles—just ask Grandma Valerie! Although she didn’t know much about SVdP CARES, someone gave her name to our housing team and she was moved into a hotel with her daughter and grandchildren the same day!

Eventually, the Rapid Rehousing program helped Valerie get connected with wrap-around services as well. They now live in a four-bedroom, one-bathroom home. She’s even more grateful that her young granddaughter
maintained Honor Roll status throughout it all!
What we went through did not touch my grandchildren. Not one bit. I thank GOD for St. Vincent de Paul CARES calling me. May God continue to bless and keep you.

Help Others on their Housing Journey
Those experiencing homelessness can be the forgotten population…
but your large-hearted generosity is ensuring that they’re not
invisible anymore. Thank you for helping to end homelessness
one precious household at a time.