Sound like a familiar story? We’re not talking about the Holy Family’s journey to Bethlehem. Every day, many of our neighbors face the same situation that Joseph and Mary did so long ago. These neighbors find themselves with a family to support, and no safe place to live.
Thousands will face a Christmas out on the streets this year. The holidays can be an especially frightening and painful time to be homeless. Just ask Ayesha.
Ayesha, a single mom of two, found herself homeless as the holidays approached. She had always been the one who would “figure things out for herself” when she had problems. But now, her family was living in a car—and she didn’t know where or who to turn to. Ayesha says:
There is no pride when your child says to you, ‘What are we going to eat tonight?’ and you have nothing.”
She reached out to homeless organizations, but each one told her there was nothing they could do. Shelter after shelter, they were turned away, just like the Holy Family more than two thousand years ago. Ayesha was exhausted from trying and just felt like giving up.
Shortly before Christmas, she was sitting in her car in a parking lot, waiting for her girls, when she got a call. The voice on the phone was familiar. She identified herself as Ms. Josephine from SVdP CARES. She asked Ayesha if she was still experiencing homelessness. Ayesha responded, “Yes, ma’am, unfortunately, I am.” The voice responded:
“Then are you ready for a new life? Are you prepared?”
Overjoyed, Ayesha couldn’t wait to tell her girls that they were saved. They were going to have a home again!
With rising inflation and soaring rent, many in our state like Ayesha are suffering from homelessness and hunger—in fact, thanks to you, our food center is currently gearing up to serve hundreds of holiday meals.
Your gift will help settle families quickly into safe homes and provide them with the means to stay there until they’re back on their feet.
SVdP CARES Case Manager, Ms. Josephine, quickly helped Ayesha find a lovely new home for her family. Not only that, but she connected Ayesha with services for her special needs child and made sure that Ayesha’s kiddos got Christmas presents.
Ayesha says, “It’s all thanks to God and the people in this organization!” Her family can sleep in a bed, take a shower, and even watch TV again.
Ms. Josephine always treated
me well, kept me going. She was more than just my advocate; she was my friend, my angel.

Give Comfort & Joy this Holiday Season
It’s heartbreaking to see homeless neighbors at any time, but especially during the holiday season. A gift today can help “make room at the inn,” and provide struggling families like Ayesha’s with a place to celebrate Christ’s birth in safety and security.