Circle of Excellence
Become a part of a family of donors that are actively making homelessness rare, brief, and one-time through their generous gifts of $1,200 and above.
Gifts given today will help provide a home for those without one, along with the support a person needs to build a stable and productive life. Case managers help secure a path for neighbors in need to stay housed well into the future–by providing assistance with jobs, rent, clothing, and other basic needs until they are settled.
Since 2013, SVdP CARES has served over 15,000 men, women, children, and Veterans, with an 80% success rate. This means that 80% of those SVdP CARES touches achieve housing and thrive, proving that the only solution to ending homelessness is stable housing.
Vincent de Paul Circle

$10,000 or $833.34/month
Champions a family for a full year on their journey to self-sufficiency
1581 – 1660 | A humble priest with a wealth of knowledge, Vincent de Paul helped establish the Congregation of the Mission (now Vincentians), a religious group that ministered to the poor throughout Paris. He used his connections with wealthy parishioners to dedicate their time and money to helping those in need, built several hospitals, and with the help of Saint Louise de Marillac, formed the Daughters of Charity: the first religious group of women dedicated entirely to works of charity outside of the convent.
St. Vincent de Paul was canonized as a saint in 1737, and 360+ years later, his work lives on in a network of over 800,000 strong, extending mercy to neighbors in need across the globe.
Rosalie Rendu Circle

$5,000 or $416.67/month
Moves a homeless family into a new home.
1786 – 1856 | Known as the “good mother of all,” Sister Rosalie Rendu of the Daughters of Charity served those in need; she opened a free clinic, a pharmacy, a school, an orphanage, a child-care center, a youth club, and a home for the elderly—all without resources. She also became a mentor to Frederic Ozanam and his college friends, and from her, the young men learned the Vincentian spirit of service to those in need.
Blessed Rosalie Rendu was beatified in 2003 by Pope John Paul II who stated that “her secret was simple: to see the face of Christ in every man and woman, as a true daughter of St. Vincent de Paul.”
Frederic Ozanam Circle

$1,200 or $100/month
Provides “Welcome Home” packages to those moving into housing and helps those in permanent supportive housing.
1813 – 1853 | The Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Frederic Ozanam was challenged as a young college student to show the good works of the church. In 1833, Ozanam did just that in some of the most impoverished neighborhoods of Paris, forming the Society in honor of France’s great “Apostle of Charity.” What began as Frederic and 5 friends taking food and clothing to those in need throughout Paris, transformed to a “network of charity” 2,000+ members strong at the time of his death in 1853.
Blessed Frederic Ozanam was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1997, and his work continues to live on through the charity of conferences throughout the world that are dedicated to carrying out his mission.
Circle of Excellence Donors receive:
- Invitations to special events and receptions
- Invitations to our move-in celebrations/grand openings
- A complimentary copy of our annual report
- Name placards on individual rooms in Ozanam Villages, upon request