Acts of Kindness…
Yesterday, Keevlyn turned 3. She wore pearls, Paw Patrol, and a “birthday girl” tiara; she opened brightly colored gifts and coveted a bright pink cupcake with a cherry on top.
2-weeks ago would have been another little girl’s birthday—the same week Keevlyn’s baby brother was born. That little girl would have turned 8; she died of a brain tumor in November after a courageous fight. The brave little girl’s grandmother is a volunteer at SVdP CARES. Generous of time and generous of heart, she wanted to honor her granddaughter’s memory by celebrating a child in need. “We just like to do things for people,” she said, “make one day a little brighter.”
Keevlyn, her mother Stephanie, and baby brother are staying at the Center of Hope family shelter as they move forward on their path to permanence. The birth of Stephanie’s son was difficult, and with much of her time on bed rest, she wasn’t sure how she was going to manage her daughter’s third birthday… “These gifts are a blessing,” said Stephanie, “Thank you so, so much.”
These gifts are a blessing. Thank you so, so much
Stephanie is currently working with a case manager in the Rapid Rehousing program and will be in a home soon. She feels blessed for all the acts of kindness that have brought her family of three to this place.
As January comes to a close, let this volunteer’s act of kindness and connection energize your spirit; may you seize the new year with the joy of a three-year-old with a cupcake. Thank you for being a CARES Champion…you make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time!